About Us
Bungendore Water Bores was established in 1989 when Danny Hill commenced operations in Bungendore, southern NSW, sourcing water for local property owners.
The business is still owned and operated by Danny Hill. Through word of mouth and expertise, Bungendore Water Bores expanded to cover the Southern Highlands, Southern NSW and Sydney regional areas.

Our Customer Service Commitment
Bungendore Water Bores pride themselves on delivering exceptional customer service.
No matter how remote your property, when it comes to locating a water source, Bungendore Water Bores will do whatever it takes, even drive through a river, to deliver our specialised service.

Environmental Initiatives
We are committed to sustainable practices and use only modern, environmentally efficient drill rigs and equipment.
Bungendore Water Bores fully guarantee all workmanship and materials. All drilling works are carried out by licenced drillers.